Originally delivered on 12/6/2022 9:01 am

SUBJECT: Collin County Aggie Moms Club December Newsletter

CCAM Monthly Newsletter Header
Week of: December 5, 2022


As I reflect on the fall and the amazing speakers and activities we have had, I cannot believe that we are already moving on to our Spring Semester. We welcomed Kathy Walter with Brain Basics and recognized our Summer Graduates in September. In October TAMU Chief of Police, Mike Johnson and one of his Assistant Chief of Police, spoke to us about safety on campus & we recognized our Ring of Honor Moms. Recently in November, Lori & Blake Alexander from the Association of Former Students spoke with us about the Aggie Ring, traditions and how our association not only supports former students but also the current student body.

We packed Halloween treat bags and distributed BTHO Final Goodie Bags, helped host the Holiday Market and raised funds for Scholarships and Student Organizations through Pecan and Poinsettia sales. Wow, we really have been busy!

We’ve had a wide variety fun Aggie Mom Connecting Events this past fall that I hope that you have participated in one or more and if not please do take some time to join us at one of them soon! Remember that you must be a member to register for an event - and it’s never too late to join - just visit the website and pay the $30 dues.

So much more is coming for this spring starting in January! We are wishing your the Happiest of Holidays with your Aggies and are looking forward to the new year!

Becky Bird '89
President 2022-2023

use for link in Presidents message

The Collin County Aggie Mom Board celebrated the Holidays at the Whiskey Cake Restaurant on Monday, November 28th.

November Meeting

Lori (‘92) & Blake (‘91) Alexander from the Association of Former Students came and spoke at our November General Meeting on the 14th. We learned the history of the Aggie Ring, traditions and how the Associations of Former Students works with both former and current students.

Next Meeting is Monday, January 16th
December Graduates to be recognized at the next General Meeting

Each semester the Collin County Aggie Moms Club recognizes recent Collin County Aggie graduates. We can't wait to celebrate your recent graduate and their accomplishments!

Since this is an IN PERSON recognition for you and your graduate, please let us know that you will be attending our January 16th meeting by clicking on the button below and filling out the information by Monday, January 2nd so we can plan accordingly.

6:30 - social / 7:00 - general meeting

If you and your graduate are NOT able to attend the meeting but would still like to be recognized by the club, please still submit your information by January 2nd to let us know that it is okay to post on social media.

Congrats & Whoop!

Please direct questions to CCAMGraduate@aggienetwork.com

Click Here to Recognize your December Graduate

Did you know…there are many ways to get involved in our club. We hold our regular club meetings on the third Monday of each month during the academic year unless a holiday or the TAMU schedule conflicts. We also have volunteer options from time-to-time or feel free join us for fun events. 

Note: membership is required to sign-up for most events. We would love to have you join us! Please visit: 

Get Involved
Goodie Bags are Delivered!

We had a lot of fun handing out goodie bags to our Collin County Aggie students. We did have to bring a few home, so if your student missed picking up theirs, please contact the chairs at CCAMGoodiebags@aggienetwork.com to arrange to pick them up here in town.

12th Can Donations Delivered!

The 325 canned items donated at our November Meeting were delivered to The 12th Can Food Pantry today. 330 pounds!

Ornament Delivered!

Jamie Hanna and Laura White delivered the custom Christmas Ornament to Texas A&M University Assistant Police Chief of Support Services, Ed Costello ‘92, who spoke with the Police Chief Mike Johnson at our October Meeting.

Pecans for the Holidays!

Need extra pecans for holiday baking & gifting?

We’ve got you covered! There are limited quantities of fresh pecan halves, 4 flavor samplers, and gourmet flavors for sale. Contact CCAMPecans@aggienetwork.com to place your order.  You can also contact Anne at 214-289-9744 to buy more pecans.  Thank you!

Poinsettias - THANK YOU!

Thank you to all who supported our Scholarships & Student Organizations by purchasing one or more Poinsettias or simply by spreading the word in total we sold 450 Poinsettias and close to $4,000. Whoop!

Shawny Ganus
Poinsettias Chair

4th Annual Golf Tournament

Howdy! Our 4th Annual Spring Golf Tournament will be on Monday, April 24th at the Hurricane Creek Country Club in Anna. We are in full swing working to coordinate corporate sponsorship opportunities!

Know Someone that might like to Sponsor?

We need every Collin County Aggie Mom to identify someone in your network we can reach out to for financial support: local business owners, organizations or individuals that have a deep reach in the North Texas communities.

Collin County is a big place, and we generate a lot of big business for the State of Texas and Aggie Network! Please check your contacts and send information to Karen Walker and Kathy Terzis at  CCAMFundraiser@aggienetwork.com. Several levels of patronage have been established and are available to review at our new platform, Charity Golf Today. For information and the associated benefits with each level please visit our website  CCAM 4th Annual Golf Tournament  

No amount is too small! We also need items for door prizes – so items and gift cards are also appreciated.

Golf Tournament Website
Quilting - Ready to give it a try?

We are putting together a Texas A&M quilt for our raffle. Volunteers can range from all different skill levels! We need people to cut, sort and sew! We will be making different blocks for the quilt, so the more the merrier! 

There will be more details to come. We have created a sign up! We welcome everyone from novice to experienced! There will be guidance upon the formation of a group. Please sign up if you are interested in helping with the quilt. 

If you have any questions, please contact Joy Anderson at CCAMraffle@aggienetwork.com or Kathy at CCAMVPatlarge@aggienetwork.com. Thank you for your help!

Sign Up to Make a Quilt Square
Just a reminder:

In order to register for Aggie Mom Connecting Events you must be a current member of the Collin County Aggie Moms. Not a member yet or haven’t renewed? It’s not to late - click the link below and pay your $30 dues today!

Pay your dues here!
Coming in January!
Mark your Calendar!
Register Here

You will be required to login to view our Social Events.

What is your board position and a brief description of what you do for CCAM? I'm the Pecans co-chair, which encompasses ”end-to-end” planning and execution of our CCAM's annual pecan fundraiser (it's also our biggest fundraiser of the year). I've received a lot of help and guidance along the way - and I'm so very appreciate to everyone for sharing their tips and their time!

Where do you live?  Plano

Where did you attend college? Baylor University

Tell us about your kids: My husband, Mike (Class of 1996), and I have two daughters. Gwyneth (Class of 2025) is studying Materials Science & Engineering. She plays bassoon in the concert band, and recently joined Alpha Omega Epsilon, a professional and social sorority of female engineering and technical science students. Alyssa is a senior at Plano Senior High, and while she loves the Aggie family, she's an artist who plans to attend a smaller, art & design school.

What are your hobbies?  Hiking, Camping, Cooking, Travel, and word puzzles - do you Wordle?

What is a good book you've read recently? “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus

What is your most favorite vacation you've ever taken or favorite place you've traveled to? I love to travel and explore new places. A few years ago we rented an RV and toured southwest Utah. It's absolutely beautiful - and that's where I fell in love with river hiking. If I had a free weekend, I'd go back and hike the narrows in Zion National Park.

What is something most people don't know about you? I'm somewhat of an introvert so the list is probably long. People are often surprised to learn that I'm an only child.

What is your favorite thing about Texas A&M?  The goodwill that students (current and former) and friends and family display towards one another. The ”howdy” when you're on a walk and see someone else in an A&M cap, or striking up a conversation with a neighbor who has an Aggie mom bumper sticker (true story, by the way). I've never seen anything like it, and I love it!

What is some advice you would give a new student at A&M? It depends on the student. Some may need to hear, "College is a marathon, not a sprint." In other words, you don't have to do everything your first semester. For others who may be looking for their ”connection,” I would encourage them to step outside of their comfort zone. A&M is a really big place, and there's definitely a place for everyone.

What is some advice you would give a MOM of a new student at A&M? To all moms of new students, I want to say Congratulations, you did it! You have a kiddo in college...and at one of the best universities. As for advice, the first year is all about adjusting and adapting as both you and your student navigate this new chapter. For me, I followed my daughter's lead on how often we communicated. And when I was really missing her, I would write her a quick note, and mail it to her. It felt like I was sending a little bit of myself to her in College Station.

Last but not least… a little Aggie Humor

You are excited to visit with your Aggie now that they are home for the semester…

Join our Collin County Aggie Mom's Group

Welcome to the Collin County Aggie Mom's Weekly Update.

Visit our Website for up to date information on every activity being planned & for a full list of contacts/emails for every program.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the chair of the program. If you still need assistance, please contact the Weekly Update coordinator, Alessandra Pedron, at collincountymoms@aggienetwork.com

Have a great day... Gig'Em and Whoop!

Visit us at collinco.aggiemoms.org

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