What is your board position and a brief description of what you do for CCAM? I am the 5th VP of Communications. I make sure that all the activities of club are shared with everyone on multiple platforms but I can not do it alone. My Communications Team is a huge part which includes: Alessandra Pedron (Weekly Update), Caryn Schniederjan (Social Media) and Rachel Nelson (Webmaster). I also create many of our graphic images along with Caryn.
Where do you live? In Plano, Texas.
Where did you attend college? I attended the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and continued at the University of Texas at Arlington. I am a retired Applications Programmer and currently do graphic design and web work part time.
Tell us about your kids: I have 3 children: Christopher (28) who is a Support Escalation Engineer at Microsoft, Alexander (23) Class of '21 who is the Guest Services Coordinator at The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, and Katherine (19) Class of '25 Animal Science Major.
What are your hobbies? I love learning new types of crafting including, sewing, stenciling, crocheting, and anything designed on the computer. I also work out at least 5 days a week at our rec center.
What is a good book you've read recently? I am in our CCAM Book Club and the last book I finished was Hour Game by David Baldacci. I just started on our books for next month.
What is your most favorite vacation you've ever taken or favorite place you've traveled to? I love visiting Hawaii, but my favorite yearly trip is our family vacation in Breckenridge, Colorado because it includes our kids, their significant others, and extended family members.
What is something most people don't know about you? Besides being nerdy and on my high school computer team and math club, I also ran varsity track all 4 years of high school which included running in the Junior Olympic Cross Country Regional my junior year.
What is your favorite thing about Texas A&M? A&M is just such a special place it's hard to name just one, but I must say that seeing so many young people helping one another and wallets, purses, backpacks all being turned in with out anything missing is a favorite. It gives me hope that there still is good in our world!
What is some advice you would give a new student at A&M? With so many people, so many activities and organizations there truly is something there for you. You need to get out there and introduce yourself. It may not happen in the first week, first semester, and perhaps not even the first year. Just keep trying!
What is some advice you would give a MOM of a new student at A&M? This is my youngest and my last to attend University. We've spent years teaching them the skills to get there. Let them take the lead. Let them come to you when they have run out of ideas on how to do/fix something. They CAN do it - show that you believe in them! I promise they will come to you when they need it but now is the time for them to SHINE as an adult.